Look How Blessed We Are
May this NOT come to you as a SURPRISE... IT IS REAL! have them living around us and in our neighborhood TODAY! we can change it with PRAYERS, and always lending a helping hand to those in need. dont keep this for yourself... FORWARD it to your friends, so our friends and all people will THANK GOD for the food and water that they ALREADY HAVE. This is one more reason why we have to THANK GOD for the food that we can have easily. But in the other hand... ironically. we still WASTE the food that we buy. LET US ALL BE GRATEFUL for what WE HAVE today... We are so BLESSED for the wonderful works of GOD's HANDS in our life. just think of this. . . arent we fortunate to live in this part of the world and not on their side? how many food have we wasted? when it doesnt matched your tastebuds... what did you do? the water is pouring out from the faucet... who cares? its unlimited, BOTTOMLESS... right?!? I pray that this little boy be ALLEVIATED from his suffering... . . and hope ...