Marty's Reward

The person you truly are is the person who emerges when no one is looking...

Marty Logan was a skilled and loyal carpenter who worked almost two decades for a successful contractor. One day, the contractor called Marty into his office and said, "I'm putting you in charge of the next house we build. I want you to order all the materials and oversee the job from the ground up."

Marty accepted the assignment enthusiastically. He studied the blueprints and double checked every measurement and specification. As he worked, a thought crept into his mind: Hey, I'm in charge here, so I can cut a few corners if I want to. I can use less-expensive materials, subcontract cheaper labor, then pocket the extra money. Who will ever know? I've worked hard for almost twenty years. I deserve a little "bonus."

So Marty ordered second-grade lumber and inexpensive concrete. He put in cheap wiring and hired unskilled minimum-wage workers. When the home was finished, the contractor came to give it a quick once-over.

"Look like a fine job, as usual, Marty," he said. "And now, I have a surprise for you. You've been such a faithful carpenter for me all these years that I've decided to give you this house as a reward!"

Build well today.
Directly or indirectly, you will have to live with the character and reputation you construct.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does.
-Ephesians 6:7-

Forwarded by Arveen 


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