Too Much, Too Many, & Too Little
Sometimes we say ...
"Lord, I am tired because there is
too much ..."
* Too much stress.
* Too much stress over money.
* Too much stress over balancing,
or trying to balance accounts.
* Too much stress over things that
we cannot change.
* Too much stress due to talking
about having a simpler life.
* Too much discontent.
* Too much time wasted on trivial
and useless endeavours.
* Too much stuff.
"Lord, I am worn out because there
are too many ..."
* Too many people going through
hard times.
* Too many petty arguments and
* Too many distractions.
* Too many things.
* Too many things we want.
* Too many things we want to do.
* Too many things we don't want to
* Too many people asking for help
and demanding our time.
* Too many comparisons.
* Too many un-cried tears.
"Lord, we get burned out because
there is too little ..."
* Too little time spent in
physical activity.
* Too little time spent with
* Too little time spend with our
* Too little time spent in
meditation and reflection.
* Too little time spent in
* Too little time spent reading
quality writings.
* Too little time spent reading
Your word.
* Too little time spent with You.
So the Lord Jesus says to us:
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30
Forwarded by Theresa
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