You can't DO a DON'T

You can't do a don't. The human nervous system is 'goal-seeking' and will always tend to organise around a specific result or set of results (this is one reason why goal-setting can be a powerful tool). Another powerful tool is language, both for communicating with others and with ourselves. However, there is a quirk of neurology and the way that language interacts with the human nervous system, and knowing about this is essential.
Negatives are not processed by the nervous system in the same way that they are linguistically (eg. The command "Don't think of a purple hippopotamus" is difficult to obey.) You can't do a don't. It is therefore most effective to state any desired outcome or direction in the positive.
While you may have a desire to stop being poor, single or unhealthy, it's not helpful to express your desire in that way (ie. in terms of what you don't want). It is much more helpful to express your desire in term
s of what you do want (Eg. "I want to be healthy, wealthy and in a happy relationship"). You can't do a don't.
You can learn more about Unconditional Happiness, the secrets of attracting whatever you wish and living the life you desire from "The Art of Being", a programme where we go deeply into the principles outlined in these tips. Learn more here:
"Talk about Life changing stuff, it is, Big Time!!!" - Andrew Hoyle.
Copyright 2006 Jamie Smart, All Rights Reserved To subscribe to these tips and get your free ebook, The Top 10 Secrets of Unconditional Happiness, go to


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