You can accept yourself exactly as you are

Acceptance is the WD40 of growth, development & results.

Some people say "But if I accept myself exactly as I am, I'll stay at home all day eating cake and swell to the size of my living room."
Experience shows that this is not the case.
When you accept yourself as you are, your neurology relaxes, and the process of change, growth and development becomes easier.
Stop, and say to yourself "I accept myself exactly as I am", and notice what happens.

Some people immediately get a sense of peace and calm, while others experience internal arguments and discomfort.
Whatever happens for you, don't fight it; accept it.
Some people use the headline of 'positive thinking' to deny the reality of the current situation.
This makes matters worse.
Acceptance is the opposite of denial.

Paradoxically, when you accept things as they are in this moment (including yourself), you put yourself in the most powerful position to create change.

If you are finding something particularly difficult to accept, accept that you've been finding it difficult.
If you get captured by strong emotions, accept that.
You can accept yourself exactly as you are.

Copyright 2006 Jamie Smart, All Rights Reserved To subscribe to these tips and get your free ebook, The Top 10 Secrets of Unconditional Happiness, go to


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