Dropped Your Gadgets in Water? Rush to the Kitchen

What is the next step that you would take if your expensive mobile phone or iPod gets wet in the rain or you dropped it in the wash bin?
Such accidents are not very uncommon. Phones were always dropped in toilet bowls. Someone went to swim while the iPod was still in his pocket.
Since the warranty for most electronics does not cover water damage, what can you do to revive the wet gadget? The answer is in your kitchen.

Power off the device (if it's not off already) and try to completely cover it in a bowl of rice. Rice being a natural desiccant will help absorb the excess moisture. Let it try for at least 24 hours (depending on how the damage) and do not try to charge the device.

If your gadget has a removable battery, dry it separately to speed up the whole drying process. 

This home-remedy is cheap and worth giving a try before you rush to the store for replacement. 

Forwarded by EJ


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  2. that worked for me and my washed in washing machine ipod nano :)


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