Dream No Small Dream

In 1970, Wally started baking chocolate chip cookies for his friends. He used a recipe and process passed down by his Aunt Della. For five years, he made cookies and gave away every batch - even though folks told him that his cookies were so good that he should sell them. But to Wally, the cookies were just sideline. His major goal was to be a big-time show business manager.

One day, a friend told Wally that she knew someone who could put up the money for a cookie - making business. That comment sparked Wally's thinking. He talked to some of his friends -- people like Jeff Wall, Helen Reddy and Marvin Gaye - and convinced them to put up some money.

Originally, Wally intended to open only one store, on Sunset Boulevard, just enough of a business to make a living. But Wally's enterprise grew faster and larger than he could have imagined. Soon, Wally's "Famous Amos   Chocolate Cookies" were being distributed worldwide. Wally became a spokesperson for other products, including eggs and telephone company. He had once dreamed of managing celebrities. Now, he was one.

Sometimes, dreams come through the back door. So keep it unlocked. You never know how the cookie is going to crumble.

"Seek, and ye shall find; knock and it will be opened unto you."  -- Matthew 7:7 KJV

Forwarded by Randy 


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