Brilliant Exam Answers

No matter how far our exams are dumbed down, it seems it's not far enough for today's pupils.
But rather than admit defeat in the face of tricky questions, some decide to take a more creative approach to their answers.
You won't know whether to laugh - or cry...





Forwarded by Chothia


  1. not really funny. just people trying to be silly when they don't actually know the answer.

  2. it's actually funny :)

  3. Lol.. the comments are funny! Ignorant people

  4. Varicose = close by. Holy shit, funny.

  5. The similar fonts show that these are not actual test answers but just clever answers that took actual time to think of. Not clever, not funny. Thumbs down.

  6. or maybe that's how a lot of people write or they had to write in cursive (insert racist/offensive joke insulting your family)

  7. If students ACTUALLY submitted these answers to me I would give them better grades!


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